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100193  Nutrilite® Carb Blocker 2
Block up to 500 calories per meal
Lab tests show that one 3-tablet serving has a powerful carb-blocking effect. This suggests that it may help block up to 500 carb calories when consumed with a high-carb meal.
SKU: 100193
Take 1–3 tablets, as needed
90 tablets
List Price: $42.00

Product Benefits

Carb Blocker 2 
  • Is a gentle way to help control calorie absorption from table sugar, and starches such as breads, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, peas, dried beans, and other carbohydrate-rich foods.
  • Still gives your body the benefit of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in carbohydrate-containing foods. 
  • Provides natural, non-stimulating carbohydrate control.
  • Helps keep you feeling fuller, longer.


How far in advance of a meal should I take Nutrilite® Carb Blocker 2?
For maximum effect, it's best to take Carb Blocker 2 at the beginning of a meal containing carbohydrates. It must be present in the intestine at the same time as the carbohydrates for it to work.

How often may I use Carb Blocker 2?
Carb Blocker 2 may be used every day as part of a sensible diet, exercise, and supplement program.

If I forget to take Carb Blocker 2 before a meal, can I take it during or after a meal? Will it still work?
Taking Carb Blocker 2 during a meal is likely to provide some enzyme-inhibiting activity. Taking it after a meal will have little or no effect.

Can I take more than 3 tablets for really big meals, like Thanksgiving dinner? What happens if I do?
Taking more than 3 tablets of Carb Blocker 2 at once is not recommended.

Can I take 9 tablets of Nutrilite Carb Blocker 2 throughout the day, instead of taking 3 at every meal? For example, 2 tablets for breakfast, 1 for a granola bar and milk snack, 2 for lunch, 2 for dinner, and 2 for late-night chips and soft drinks?
Yes, taking 2 tablets with meals and one tablet with carbohydrate-containing snacks is fine. Just don't take more than 9 tablets a day.

Technical Information

Alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase are two key digestive enzymes. They break down starches and simple sugars into molecules that can be absorbed by the body - and potentially converted to fat. Nutrilite Carb Blocker 2 inhibits both enzymes, so fewer sugars and starches are absorbed by the body.

Use Instructions

1-3 tablets per meal. No more than 9 tablets a day.

en español

Bloqueador de carbohidratos 2

Bloquea hasta 500 calorías por comida

Los análisis de laboratorio muestran que una porción de 3 tabletas tiene un poderoso efecto para bloquear carbohidratos. Ello sugiere que puede ayudar a bloquear hasta 500 calorías provenientes de carbohidratos al consumirse con una comida alta en carbohidratos.

Tomar de 1 a 3 tabletas según sea necesario

90 tabletas


El Bloqueador de carbohidratos 2 es el primero y único suplemento que bloquea tanto azúcares como almidones (féculas), y te puede ayudar a bajar de peso. Funciona inhibiendo la actividad de las enzimas digestivas cuya función es descomponer carbohidratos para que los absorba tu cuerpo y los almacene como grasa. Y aunque tu cuerpo absorbe menos calorías, de todos modos recibe los beneficios de las vitaminas, minerales y fibra que contienen los alimentos que consumes.

El Bloqueador de carbohidratos es natural, no contiene efedra, y se elabora con extractos de soya fermentada y frijol (habichuela) blanco.


Bloqueador de carbohidratos 2

  • Es una forma suave de ayudar a controlar la absorción de calorías del azúcar de mesa y los almidones como panes, cereales, pasta, arroz, papas, chícharos (guisantes), frijoles secos (habichuelas secas) y otros alimentos ricos en carbohidratos, pero sin despojar a tu cuerpo del beneficio de las vitaminas, minerales y fibra que contienen los alimentos con carbohidratos carbohidratos. 
  • Proporciona un control natural (sin estimulantes) de carbohidratos.
  • Ayuda a controlar los altibajos del apetito que provocan el hambre.
  • Ayuda a que te sientas más lleno(a) durante más tiempo.

Product Description

The first and only supplement to help block absorption of both sugars and starches. It works by inhibiting the activity of digestive enzymes whose job is to break down carbohydrates for your body to absorb and store as fat. Your body still benefits from the vitamins, minerals, and fiber in the foods you eat.

Carb Blocker is a natural, ephedra-free dietary supplement that's made from fermented soy and white kidney-bean extracts. It can be a great addition to your sensible weight-loss plan that includes eating healthier, smaller portions and exercising more often.